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madewithgarageband t1_j1di2un wrote

its shaped like that so jedi in the future can use the force to get it back


Responsibility_57 OP t1_j1daip8 wrote

Was there life on Mars? / Is Mars turning itself into another life sustaining planet in the solar system? Can these questions be really answered with the current capabilities of our technology. We got to wait until 2033 to have a peek into the rock and soil of Mars surface.


razareddit t1_j1dl8vb wrote

What's the update on the mission to bring these samples back?


Oderdigg t1_j1dlf8y wrote

I'm curious how they'll find it after years of dust storms.


spanner3 t1_j1gbn4a wrote

They know exactly where it is and while mars is windy the atmospheric density is apparently low enough that the sample containers can’t be pushed around. After a decade they’ll only have a light covering of dust.


enknowledgepedia t1_j1g2rmz wrote

The 10 samples tubes which are being dropped now are a backup in case perseverance fails to deliver the actual samples to the lander which are persevered under its belly. In the event of failure by Perseverance, NASA had planned to send helicopters to pick these samples and deliver to the lander and later loaded into the Mars Ascent Vehicle and brought back to Earth - mote details here -


The_Sleep t1_j1g1sb9 wrote

Random question. Let's say the sample shoots off back to Earth and crash lands in my backyard. Is it then mine? I get to keep it?


lllorrr t1_j1hrc33 wrote

If you are American, then it is (partially) yours anyway. Because you paid taxes to make it happen.

This is the reason why NASA freely publishes data from all science missions.


The_Sleep t1_j1ivc1g wrote

I'm Canadian and just hope my keeping it doesn't start an international incident.


mroboto2016 t1_j1h89hx wrote

Naw. The rover is getting older and parts are starting to drop off.


OnlyMortal666 t1_j1dnswr wrote

Astronaut will be retrieving it. Along with many other samples that they’ve collected themselves.


TheDotCaptin t1_j1e2ihh wrote

Current plan is for a robot to grab it, but they have not yet decided on what type of robot.