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Mkwdr t1_j4fcz5e wrote

Like I said

>He’s making it up he goes along.

So it’s just your gut that works as a physics detector then? The fact that peoples ‘guts’ evidently contradict eachother or have proposed things that later turned out to be false …. doesn’t undermine your gut. How lucky. You should market it.

Believing that your gut can inform you of the truth or not of the physics of complex cosmological phenomena is pretty much the definition of absurd.

Intuitively it’s obvious that the world is flat and the sun travels around it …… that must be true then. lol

Anyway enough of Camelot your gut … ‘tis a very silly place.’


Supreme_InfiniteVibe t1_j4gkj8g wrote

It’s not very intuitive that the world is flat. Some physics I don’t know enough about to have intuition on it. I know what I know.


Mkwdr t1_j4gkx5h wrote

>It’s not very intuitive that the world is flat.

I guess history isn’t a strong point either.

>Some physics I don’t know enough about to have intuition on it.

Seems like you dint know enough about physics fullstop if you think evidence is unimportant and gut instinct is enough.

>I know what I know.

You believe what you believe. Knowledge entails a quality of justification. ‘Feels’ is neither evidence nor justification.