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AlpineCorbett t1_j6ltxzy wrote

If a problem can be fixed with a big ass laser, I assert that it is our duty, as humans, to do so. With vigor.

I can think of nothing more human.


Paradox_Dolphin t1_j6lvynf wrote

Oh my God yeah, someone call the pentagon, we've gotta be able to sell it to them with this description.


AlpineCorbett t1_j6lwe68 wrote

JFK 2.0 - "We choose to do this thing not because it is easy, but because it is supremely fucking cool"


Paradox_Dolphin t1_j6lzvo8 wrote

The second time around, his initials stand for "Jesus Fucking Khrist"


Vulch59 t1_j6miqzb wrote

Could call it something like Satellite Harm Amelioration and Reduction Campaign

^(Cannot think of a decent K so SHARC with frikkin lasers it is)