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Youssef_Makhoul t1_j67tn3x wrote

GJ 1214b Because it's like a "Hot shower" but on a planetary scale


slickhedstrong t1_j6888gn wrote

omicron persei 8. they don't have vowels in their names


Express_Helicopter93 t1_j68vmcn wrote

They’re all just rock or gas at this point though, we don’t know enough yet…


pinkunicorn555 t1_j69y1n9 wrote

So it's a water world. It is still located in the habitatable zone, unlike Gliese 1214b. If it has an ozone, it would have the same surface temp as Earth, and its orbit around its sun is almost as long as ours. There is no way to tell if there is life in that water, but I would put money on it.


nuclear_blender t1_j6a4f8f wrote

There's a lot that goes into whether or not a life can harbor life. We don't know much about the composition of the planet, how old the solar system was before the planet developed, we don't know of it core or if it has a magnetic field. Not many people realize that jupiter is a major reason why life is supported on earth. Jupiter is so massive that it "catches" a lot of massive asteroids that could otherwise hit earth and cause a mass extinction event


Maidwell t1_j6a6eyt wrote

This is the part I think a lot of people miss when they estimate life in the universe.

Our planetary system has been exceptionally stable thanks to a calm main sequence star and a giant planet as protector. Yet even with the ideal scenario, and single celled "life" starting on Earth almost immediately after the late heavy bombardment allowed, it still took nearly 4 BILLION years for multi-celled life to evolve and flourish in the Cambrian explosion 500 million years ago.


RaineGD t1_j6aqdaj wrote

TrEs-2b. it's just like a little physical piece of void manifest and i love it


Gerald98053 t1_j6au7ir wrote

I’ll just stick with nice, familiar Ceres. I weigh only 4 pounds there. After years of practice, I can slam-dunk a basketball there. I can hit a golf ball nearly to Vesta. Ceres is cool.


AA_1_14 t1_j6ax18s wrote

Can't remember the name, but the rogues planet that shoots pink matter onto space


Llamas_are_cool2 t1_j6axlx0 wrote

I really don't know many exoplanets so I'd have to go with Kepler 22-b because of the King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard song lol


peter303_ t1_j6bcuaw wrote

Proxima b

Only 4 light years and in the habitable zone.


GhostAspect_ t1_j6binew wrote

Hard to say. There are many cool Exoplanets, if I had to put my finger on just one though it would probably be Kepler-62f a super-earth orbiting within the HZ of a K-type main sequence star. But Kepler-442b and Kepler-47c aren't too far behind


MisterEarth t1_j6bs3aq wrote

Proxima Centauri B, because its the closest one to Earth


MyPianoMusic t1_j6c3b74 wrote

That one planet with the 90m km rings, I forgot its name


dome-light t1_j6c474b wrote

WASP-121b because it's so hot that it rains sapphires and rubies. Absolutely astounding