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Zippydodah2022 t1_j6d7a8s wrote

You're almost certainly too young, but right at the start of manned U.S. flights into space, NASA warned Americans that space flight was inherently very risk and said American deaths were inevitable. The Apollo 1 disaster caused a long delay but never an end, Same after the two Space Shuttle disasters. The program was paused both times as NASA investigated what went wrong and fixed it (though some engineers and scientists warned NASA beforehand of both reasons for disasters - launching too cold weather for Challenger, and for the second, some in NASA had seen foam breaking off from rocket and hitting underside of Shuttle. Top engineers said the falling pieces were too small to damage the Shuttle, but then huge pieces fell ohh and hit underside of Columbia, dooming the crew right there.

NASA had no way to rescue them anyway.

NASA also built the Shuttle without a way for crew members to bail out in a disaster at takeover. I believe current NASA crew quarters have a way for pilot to pull a level to explode away from rocket and a parachute for planning.

But there will be more deaths, NASA always says, reason I'd reject a free ticket on one of the tourist space casuals.


pippinator1984 t1_j6db1eq wrote

Neil Armstrong almost died practicing with the landing or the ability to control the moon buggy here.prototype? Have seen video clips. Dangerous then and now. IMO