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tarocheeki t1_j33tb5j wrote

I'm in California and have been for a while. It's ironic you're being downvoted, because you're right. California's climate is cyclical, the last several decades have been several years of drought followed by flooding. I will say that California being huge is probably part of the disconnect. Northern and southern California have very different climates, and a climate disaster in one part of California could easily be 500 miles away from the Californians hearing about it on the news.

I'm not sure why people are downplaying the fires though. I'll never forget the 911 call where the caller asked where to go to escape the fire and the dispatcher could only say "I'm sorry, I don't know."

California's just like everywhere else. Mostly, life is normal. Sometimes, bad stuff happens.


[deleted] t1_j35fanq wrote

I live in TN and racist hillbillies scare me more than a fire. I'd move to Cali if I could afford it.


mynextthroway t1_j34ctaa wrote

Northern California and Southern California are so different in environment and politics they could easily be 2 states.

California drought cycles are huge and extreme. The last 150 have been very wet, yet there was a 200 year drought about 500 years ago that was worse than what we are seeing today. As dry as the last 20 years have been, it needs to continue for another 100 years to get California back to its long-term normal.

I would still love to visit. 200 years is way past my expiration date.