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t1_j5o1xnj wrote

Incorrect. The Many Worlds interpretation directly posits that collapse never actually happens; instead all wave functions are equally likely to occur, somewhere. This is the core pillar of the entire concept - that the wave function is real and that we should trust what the logical evolution thereof tells us.

The Everettian argument is that wavefunction collapse is a concept of human arbitration, and that it has never been observed in nature. In fact, experiments have managed to put ever larger systems into states of superposition. Instead of collapse, modern Everettians suggests the observed becomes entangled with the observer, which in turn results in the given amplitude, but alternative states of observation also exist - perhaps in some speculative multiverse of inflatory cosmology.


t1_j5o2uws wrote

Yes, you are totally right. I was only trying to simplify the concept. Thank you for the clarification!