lucellent t1_j6hx0rh wrote
Reply to comment by Mishung in ‘Extraordinary’ footage shows one of the closest known approaches of a near-Earth object — On 26 Jan. 2023, asteroid 2023 BU was about 2,200 miles above the surface of the Earth by marketrent
People still don't know about Ad Blockers?
krazybubbler t1_j6irzz4 wrote
On smartphones that's not so straightforward
lucasjose501 t1_j6j12wf wrote
Firefox on Android allows you to install uBlock Origin. I use it for youtube too.
Sorry iOS users.
[deleted] t1_j6kz8vl wrote
[deleted] t1_j6hxkk5 wrote
MacsDildoBike t1_j6jk116 wrote
The fact that ad blockers are even a thing is super upsetting.
davenport651 t1_j6jrcqh wrote
If you are using ad blockers then you are not helping recoup the actual costs to operate the public internet. Stop being a freeloader!
iCameToLearnSomeCode t1_j6k6iwy wrote
Your country might have a public internet but mine doesn't.
I would happily pay a government entity as opposed to my ISP if the service was just as good but until a public option becomes available I pay for my private internet with a monthly bill.
davenport651 t1_j6kfuvo wrote
Your being needlessly pedantic. Your payment to your local ISP pays for their connection to the broader internet, but that pays NOTHING to any person hosting a website or operating a server on the other side. I assume you know that, but you’d rather justify not watching a 5 second video or clicking the ‘x’ on a pop up window.
BanishedOutkaste t1_j6knw39 wrote
If it was actually 5 secs I wouldn’t have an issue but they get greedy and lazy. The ads get longer and longer more often unskippable, more frequent, and they show the same damn ones a million times over. It’s their own damn fault I want to block them.
iCameToLearnSomeCode t1_j6ks3za wrote
The difference between paying for a public internet and paying for a private company's content is not needlessly pedantic.
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