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tommy4991 t1_j5olv1e wrote

If technology keeps advancing rapidly like it’s been and we manage not to blow ourselves up, I’d say maybe even less then 400 years maybe in 200 years ww1 happened a little over 100 years ago, and the civil war is coming up on 200 years ago. Look at the state of the world between those times and now, so much has changed that I wouldn’t doubt to see space travel happen on the regular with in 200 years with even colonization in space stations above planets


MaximusZacharias t1_j5ooklb wrote

Ok but that’s starting in 1861. You can’t ignore literally every other year before the civil war began in regard to technology boom. Ever since Charles H Duell, commissioner of US patent office in 1889 indicating that the patent office would soon be Shrinking in size saying that “everything that can be invented has been invented.” There’s been more advancement in technology from that point until today than in all of time before 1889. Unless technology logarithmically continues to advance for a straight 200 years we’d still be far from it. Hope I’m wrong.


tommy4991 t1_j5oygl6 wrote

You make some good points, only time can tell my friend


Aggravating_Teach_27 t1_j5ozfzs wrote

If you mean traveling inside the solar system, yes, that seems a likely estimate.

If you mean interstellar travel, either we find a loophole in physics that allows for traveling at a significant portion of C with our current energy sources, it we find a new energy source,, or the answer is never.


Thin_Illustrator2390 t1_j5p0pbk wrote

it’s wild to think that there’s so much outside our system but we as humankind will never ever see it


tommy4991 t1_j5q474x wrote

Yeah I meant more with in our own solar system