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suarezd1 t1_j6dirp5 wrote

Kinda like wearing underwear with swim trunks, I get it.


littlebitsofspider t1_j6fv3hb wrote

I've been keeping track of Dava Newman's work on the MIT prototype BioSuit for the past several years, and spacesuit tech just keeps getting better and better. I think future suits will also be three layers: body stocking-type skinsuit layer, smart mechanical counterpressure layer with hard seals, and a coverall-type thing with radiation shielding, pockets, and so on. Snap on some gloves, boots, and a helmet and be good to go.


RowKiwi t1_j6f504u wrote

Which part is the airtight suit? Is that the white part ? I notice the green layer also has glove sealing rings.


PressF1ToContinue t1_j6fynjn wrote

The helmet only attaches to the white garment. Also only the white garment has the hose connectors. But I wonder what's up with the rings on the green garment.


MisinformedGenius t1_j6gur0j wrote

Pretty sure it's the green suit, although in the pictures I've seen, it's blue and looks slightly different. The white part is the Thermal Micrometeroid Garment - it's mainly for rejecting as much heat as possible and for protecting the airtight suit from pokey hazards (as well as micrometeoroids).