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TheRealTofuey t1_j6u1g11 wrote

This guy is a undrafted player on a small contract. He is probably making the least money on the entire team.


wrathofspursfans t1_j6u1t0v wrote

He's probably making more than most doctors.


Heroicshrub t1_j6u9gs8 wrote

That's delusional


r0botdevil t1_j6v2ooo wrote

I mean the league minimum salary for the NFL is $660k/yr, which is much more than the vast majority of doctors make. So if this guy is on an NFL roster, he's most certainly getting paid more than most doctors.


LeafyDynamics t1_j6vipkr wrote

You’re more likely to be a doctor than a professional athlete 🤷‍♂️