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wyonutrition t1_j6x6yr7 wrote

This would be assuming there was any public trust in the Olympics to begin with


pongomanswe t1_j6xaizm wrote

“Let’s bring Russians back to sports. Sports are apolitical.” Says the Olympic Committee after having allowed Russia, China and others to bribe themselves to hosting the games and using them for political reasons.


PapstJL4U t1_j6xnpir wrote

for a moment Fifa looked like the most corrupt and morally bankrupt sports organization.

"We can't have that", thought the IOC


PM_ME_OVERT_SIDEBOOB t1_j6xrfgm wrote

Fifa still the answer tho the Olympics ain’t much better at the moment. Historically, yeah I’ll give it to the Olympics. There have been some questionable host sites


pongomanswe t1_j6xrnkq wrote

It probably makes business sense for them too - if FIFA gobbles up all the bribes, how are the IOC members going to fund their yachts? Think about their children! They have to take a firm stance and stand for the true spirit of the organisation, unbridled corruption, as set out in the Olympic motto: “SWIFT; Hired, by strongmen”


The_ODB_ t1_j6xvpe0 wrote

China hosted the 2022 Olympics because the only other applicant was Kazakhstan. Bribes were not needed.


Chitownitl20 t1_j6yjbs5 wrote

Mind the USA bribes the Olympics committee more than anyone. Have you ever seen the Coke advertisements?


Doyoueverjustlikeugh t1_j6y0mfk wrote

China is the one of the largest countries in the world with a rich culture, why wouldn't they host the Olympics. Did Britain bribe the Olympic Committee too?


Ferris_Wheel_Skippy t1_j6xqlg2 wrote

at this point, who hasn't bribed the IOC to win hosting rights for the Olympics lmfao


zernoc56 t1_j704tjd wrote

FIFA and the IOC, the world’s bicycles. Anyone gets a ride if they have the cash.


ShadowTacoTuesday t1_j6yl812 wrote

So… criminal charges, fines, meaningful penalties, or only a stern public “How could you!?”


wyonutrition t1_j6yvn6f wrote

who would penalize who? this is basically a private company doing business as usual at this point haha


ShadowTacoTuesday t1_j6z8bei wrote

Yeah I figured there was no form of oversight to begin with. Well, thoughts and prayers.