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EvelcyclopS t1_j7nxmg8 wrote

I mean, that’s wonderful, but firstly, who? And why is this news?


buerglermeister t1_j7o9z87 wrote

Jessica Pegula, one of the best female players in the world.

Kim Pegula, owner of the Buffalo Bills and Buffalo Sabres.

How ignorant can you get?


EvelcyclopS t1_j7org74 wrote

Are you serious?

Apparently not knowing who owns the buffalo bills (a sport only followed/participated) in 1 country out of 200 some on this earth, and someone who has won 2 singles titles in women’s tennis since turning pro in 2009 is grounds to be called ignorant.


buerglermeister t1_j7ornsc wrote

For someone in the r/sports subreddit, yeah it is. I am not american either.


EvelcyclopS t1_j7ouqz6 wrote

Way to gatekeep the sub.

I assume you know everything sports related and find every article on r/sports interesting and compelling
