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Ssehano t1_j8c9swr wrote

the holding call shouldn’t have happened. His hand on his back had no effect on his route. This Super Bowl was too good for that call to dictate the outcome


EatSleepJeep OP t1_j8ce5ty wrote

Greg Olson commentated the wrong view:

This is what slowed Juju down and allowed Bradberry to get the left hand in him too.


spanctimony t1_j8d21ho wrote

Greg Olsen was a solid D- last night. The whole broadcast team was extremely subpar.

It’s wild, we had one of if not the best actual games in the Super Bowl, but we had possibly the worst halftime show and commentator performance in history.

How about when their rules analyst totally botched his analysis on that catch that was overturned on review? He sounded totally incompetent in that moment.


jbl429 t1_j8d7myf wrote

Former Vice President of Officiating right there too.


AcidSugar1414 t1_j8da9dv wrote

I love that you brought up the half-time show unprompted. Really tells me how much I can trust your opinion.


spanctimony t1_j8dmppm wrote

Trust my opinion?

Why would somebody trust an opinion? What the fuck nonsense are you on about?

What does me bringing up the half time have anything to do with anything?

Are you a bot?


AcidSugar1414 t1_j8ee7r6 wrote

OP was talking about the last penalty, and Greg Olson’s calling of it.

Your point of bringing up the halftime show was showing evidence of how “Wild” the Super Bowl is. What about the halftime show made last night wild?


spanctimony t1_j8erxky wrote

You must not be a native speaker of English, so I’ll be kind.

My use of the word “wild” is analogous (similar) to “crazy” or “notable” or “interesting”.

I was saying “it’s interesting and slightly crazy that…”, sub that in for “wild” and see if that makes any more sense.

“It’s interesting and slightly crazy that we had one of if not the best actual games in the Super Bowl, but we had possibly the worst halftime show and commentator performance in history.”

The pronoun “it” does not refer to the Super Bowl.


AcidSugar1414 t1_j8gcub3 wrote

Please, tell me. What makes it the worst halftime show in history?


spanctimony t1_j8gdr23 wrote


You mean aside from the pop artist who doesn’t write her own songs, who didn’t even bother holding the microphone to her face at times, who showed up incapable of doing any sort of dance performance, who didn’t bring out any other artists (as is customary) to amp things up, who hasn’t had a hit in 7 years, who turned the NFL down “for moral reasons” a few years ago but now has an album to promote? Rihanna isn’t a timeless artist. She’s a pop star who isn’t relevant anymore, and didn’t bring what was needed to relaunch her career. She took the job knowing she was pregnant, and then phoned in this half assed effort?

The only decent thing about the half time show was the suspended platforms.

Contrast this against last year which was arguably one of the best half time performances in history, or compare it against The Weekend from two years ago (who I can’t stand as an artist but he brought his A+ game for the Super Bowl).

Name some worse half time performances, I dare you.


AcidSugar1414 t1_j8gek8t wrote

Bro, it’s all subjective. Your allowed to have your opinion. I just wanted to hear it.

But 1995 though?


Xadefinn t1_j8czdeh wrote

I wondered about this moment if it was the hold. But serious question: he isn't past the line of scrimmage yet, does this affect the ruling?


Hi_HeresMyOpinion t1_j8dzjep wrote

If he jammed him between the pads before he got passed the line then fair play. But jersey pulling is never a legal move.