Submitted by PrincessBananas85 t3_113ls72 in sports
orangutan9 t1_j8qymms wrote
Adrian Peterson can choke on a bag of D's
drblah1 t1_j8qzsoo wrote
thecoolestthingever t1_j8r4ncx wrote
Exactly what I thought when AP of all people came at this guy. Like hey Adrian on a scale of not cleaning your room to breaking your own son's arm, how much do you think Jesus cares about this fucking jacket? What a fucking jackass
[deleted] t1_j8r4xzv wrote
blunsr t1_j8s0hwf wrote
Adrian Peterson’s had his feelings hurt. I’m surprised he didn’t beat Hamlin with a switch!!
[deleted] t1_j8s9rjb wrote
MuletownSoul t1_j8scwod wrote
Build 'em up, just to tear 'em down. Such is our society in 2023. Remember the days of just ignoring something that you don't like?
nillafrosty t1_j8sfg3d wrote
I find it annoying the article doesn’t even show the jacket in question
iwishihadahorse t1_j8sj6a8 wrote
>dividing their Super Bowl outrage between Damar Hamlin’s Jesus threads, the black national anthem, and the pregnant black gal dancing with all of her clothes on
Euphemisms when Fox News can't say what Fox News really wants to say.
WannabeTraveler87 t1_j8sn9z8 wrote
I dont want to watch a video to see the jacket he wore.
[deleted] t1_j8tfw8m wrote
[deleted] t1_j8tlhqj wrote
captaincumsock69 t1_j8tq9ox wrote
That’s because Hamlin is older than 6 years old
AndyLand1 t1_j8tt0cy wrote
Let me save you a click.
The 24-year-old was seen wearing a jacket depicting Jesus on the back with the word "Eternal" emblazoned above it. On the front, it bore another image of Jesus and the phrase: "Without end and without beginning, there is no day and there is no night."
Whosdaman t1_j8ttkrs wrote
Those damn Canadians!
BigDaddyQP t1_j8ttuvt wrote
That’s why I’m in the comments. Let’s see if we get lucky
CaptainCorpse666 t1_j8tuu5t wrote
This ugly thing. Just a dumb jacket Christians want ot get mad about.
ztkraf01 t1_j8tvk5m wrote
Sounds like a normal run of the mill Christian to me. Not sure why you’re surprised.
nillafrosty t1_j8twm8g wrote
Ugly, all that matters is intent tho.
[deleted] t1_j8tyvqg wrote
thatkellenguy t1_j8u11h6 wrote
As an agnostic, I’m so fuckin tired of religions (usually Christianity) getting some pedestal where if it isn’t just the most glorifying depiction, it’s worthy of ire. Not everyone believes in your dumbass fairy tale. You get to wear and say shit about how I’m going to hell for not believing but others can’t wear THIS of all things? What gives them the right?
He doesn’t owe anyone an apology. The jacket didn’t say like “fuck Christians”.
kidnidi t1_j8u731y wrote
The Bible was written by man. Man is full of shit. Idk how nobody bothered to put 2 and 2 together.
Teemo-Supreemo t1_j8uchrm wrote
The last fight Peterson had with a grown man definitely didn’t go his way.
[deleted] t1_j8ud6a0 wrote
[deleted] t1_j8uefzj wrote
LDcostict t1_j8uern2 wrote
Yo people are such cry babies that literally will do anything to be offended Lmaoo. The jacket has Jesus on the back and he on the crucifix. People mad about that… Lmaoo pussies
ValPrism t1_j8ufmw2 wrote
Oh Jesus Christ
CornWallacedaGeneral t1_j8ugln8 wrote
He's a Christian eternally grateful to still be here
jawnquixote t1_j8ugu8d wrote
Dude went to a Catholic high school I think he can say whatever he wants about Christianity
steboy t1_j8ukn2h wrote
Doesn’t Adrian Peterson have a kid he can take his anger out on?
/s obviously, but Damar should have told him to kick rocks.
Fucking loser.
pdxphotographer t1_j8ukvej wrote
Sounds like Adrian Peterson might eventually end up being the next ex football player to run for public office as a Republican.
StankAss69_420 t1_j8ul4tq wrote
Christians are so sensitive smh
TJwhosurmomma t1_j8up53v wrote
Why is damar Hamlin still in the spotlight?
chagster001 t1_j8uplir wrote
Have my upvote
Wu36rickchambers t1_j8uroay wrote
Fuck AP…..
Knightmare25 t1_j8urqau wrote
You would think Christians would have some deference to someone who came back from the dead.
Wu36rickchambers t1_j8uv8xo wrote
Sociopaths put it together long ago…
[deleted] t1_j8uvdzy wrote
themox78 t1_j8uyil1 wrote
so, dude almost dies from a heart attack and people are shitting about a jacket? fucked up priorities here.
[deleted] t1_j8v2v05 wrote
LionGuy190 t1_j8v42oc wrote
I laughed. And then cried. You’re not wrong
TheBaddestPatsy t1_j8va08r wrote
Wow, for once it actually is mocking Jesus. I mean IDGAF but I’m impressed Christian outrage is accurately describing something for a change.
GoX14 t1_j8vba5r wrote
I’m totally with you. But Islam is waaaaay worse about depictions of Muhammad lol.
[deleted] t1_j8vlbpm wrote
[deleted] t1_j8vlv7z wrote
imnotsoho t1_j8vm6cw wrote
Sounds kind of like the scary ones who attack people for drawing cartoons of Mohamed. I can't tell the difference.
M0ndmann t1_j8vrhb7 wrote
Who cares
2percentgay t1_j8vvjyg wrote
The difference is life or death.
2percentgay t1_j8vvl5n wrote
Everyone is smfh.
2percentgay t1_j8vvoik wrote
Back in the glory days without all the snowflakes fluttering around in the wind. Good mems.
Norva t1_j8w09yq wrote
Dude almost died. Let the man wear an ugly jacket.
apathy_saves t1_j8wds91 wrote
How is it moking jesus?
apathy_saves t1_j8we3io wrote
Ironic that the boomers are the biggest snowflakes of them all
TheRealJ0ckel t1_j8wycdw wrote
For all I care he could have burned a bible/quran/whatever in the stands and I wouldn't have been mad.
[deleted] t1_j8x0o54 wrote
Beffanator t1_j8x0qpg wrote
Idk, but I hope it is….
Beffanator t1_j8x19wv wrote
Because he was performing as a top 24 DB, prior to his injury that almost killed him.
Beffanator t1_j8x1rd7 wrote
To be fair he was a top 24 DB in the NFL, he built himself up and the injury tore him down. However, for the general public who supported Hamlin, a player they’ve never heard of, I got you, dude.
Beffanator t1_j8x1xaz wrote
They don’t seem too sensitive when they are stripping lgbtq rights, attacking folks of color and erasing history from school textbooks.
[deleted] t1_j8x26mg wrote
Beffanator t1_j8x2ctc wrote
Further, thousands of men have rewrote this “Infallible” historic story. If Jesus was perfect he would’ve written it perfect the first time, not have randos editing the Bible thousands of times.
Kaiisim t1_j8x7xhj wrote
Media trying to make this a thing. Leave him alone mans heart stopped
GuyNamedWhatever t1_j8xoy3p wrote
“Why doesn’t the man who was tortured and nailed to a plank look as immaculate and beautiful as I think he should?” Is kind of an unhinged take.
[deleted] t1_j8xranr wrote
Reveillark139 t1_j8xvr17 wrote
I mean just look at it lol
Jesus_Died_For_You t1_j8xvx3x wrote
This the opinion of someone who gets their info from r/atheism. The texts we have now are almost identical to the earliest manuscripts, with some of the only differences being the past/present tenses of certain words and things of that nature.
Jesus_Died_For_You t1_j8xwnit wrote
You decided the Bible is false, but you’re a human so by definition you’re full of 💩. so I guess that means the Bible is true
MavriKhakiss t1_j8yavp8 wrote
Cool. Very nice.
Now do a Mohamed jacket.
bossmt_2 t1_j8yceo2 wrote
Poor Peterson, how could Damar hurt his sensibilities by wearing a coat.
I mean he should have done something more sensible like beat his son with a switch, defaulted on multiple loans and settlements for said loans, or delayed a flight to get arrested for Domestic VIolence.
kidnidi t1_j8yf70h wrote
mtheperry t1_j91bhr2 wrote
Christians will talk about how silly it is for Muslims to make a big deal about those depictions and then act like this.
beeafletcherberry t1_j93kmio wrote
Damar for president…….
[deleted] t1_j967hve wrote
Ebonic_Plague t1_j96d4xt wrote
Peterson should pick on someone his own size
Oh wait he did
[deleted] t1_j9bda97 wrote
DangerBay2015 t1_j8qy9u1 wrote
Was there really that much criticism?
Fox News talking heads found ONE ex-NFL player that I saw speak out.
Adrian Peterson, so-called Christian man. You, know, the kind of Christian man who pleads guilty to misdemeanour assault for beating his son, and then says “yeah, I still hit him with a belt, but at least it’s not a switch, I learned my lesson.”
The kind of Christian man who defrauds a bank and gets ordered to repay $2.4 million dollars. And then defaults on two other lawsuit settlements, of $5 million and $8 million respectively.
The kind of Christian man who gets charged with assault for slapping his wife around on a flight.
If that’s the kind of Christian man who’s being offended by Damar Hamlin’s Jesus jacket, he’s probably walking with Christ more than the ONE football player Fox News found to make a mountain out of a molehill.
Adrian Peterson was the BEST mouthpiece Fox News could find. The BEST. I mean it probably didn’t help they were dividing their Super Bowl outrage between Damar Hamlin’s Jesus threads, the black national anthem, and the pregnant black gal dancing with all of her clothes on, but they were REALLY scraping the bottom of the barrel with this phoned in meltdown.
At least Damar Hamlin has the grace to say he meant no disrespect, that’s one step more than Adrian Peterson ever made.