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maaku7 t1_j92ihsl wrote

Out here in California we're an effective one-party Democratic state, and we've spent $100 billion on a high speed rail project without anything to show for it, due to corruption. It is absolutely a both sides thing.


ankisaves t1_j96n6hn wrote

Combination of post hoc and begging the question fallacies.


brettsolem t1_j96h9rc wrote

Californians voted for the high-speed rail when it was clearly unreasonable and unnecessary. Just dumb voters.


maaku7 t1_j97d5kl wrote

There is significant transit need for a high speed rail connection between Los Angeles and San Francisco. That is what voters agreed to.

Of course, lobbyists got in the way and what actually happened was an unfinished Sacramento <-> Bakersfield line that nobody will use.


brettsolem t1_j97gv4k wrote

I don’t agree with the significant need. Hour flights between Burbank to Oak are and have been cost reasonable and traffic between and outside the cities does not suffer congestion problems. It would make more sense between LA and SD.


5kyl3r t1_j94kw4v wrote

one side is way worse, especially with human rights and human decency related topcis, but you're right, it's mostly just politicians. the people who'd be great at it are usually like "fuck that". the shitty people that see an opportunity to use it to get rich are the ones that often end up in politics, unfortunately. and that's shitty about the rail thing, that's actually a thing russia has done many times. the metro station in chelyabinsk is a big example of this. millions of tax money going into it, decades later, still nothing, every so often, when the corrupt want more money, they bring the topic back up, make a big splash in the media about it, get more tax money, rinse and repeat


DrDankDankDank t1_j92quo6 wrote

Which party just blocked the huge federal infrastructure bill again?


HCN_Mist t1_j92vixp wrote

I think the guys point is that you can spend the money and end up with the same thing.


DrDankDankDank t1_j92vsoy wrote

I agree. I just hate the “both sides” thing when one is clearly and demonstrably worse than the other overall. But yeah, I agree with him that 100B on a train that doesn’t exist is some seriously corrupt bullshit.


ThatDinosaucerLife t1_j93exyy wrote

Both sides are bad, one is worse than the other.

No one has to be a hero here.


DrDankDankDank t1_j93xnq1 wrote

I love how I’m getting downvoted just for pointing out the truth though.


ankisaves t1_j96mhy5 wrote

Yeahhh the propaganda programming has only become more and more effective at convincing people to vote against their own interests. Been a problem for a long time, but these algorithms work on all of us, even when we are aware of their effect, it still affects us subconsciously.

Those who think they are impervious are generally the most pliable.