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officialtortiseshell t1_j9k3p7n wrote

God bless what people do to fill the void and the women that follow them on their man-baby journey. I couldn’t look my wife in the eye telling her I want to see every best 19-22 year old play basketball with 0 acknowledgement of fans. I’ve grown up with d1 athletes and pros. They don’t give enough of a fuck about you to ever incline me to do something like this. A player would mock this notion and fans don’t get that.


MediocreFlex t1_j9kab2w wrote

Yeah this person is most likely the absolute dullard in any room


officialtortiseshell t1_j9kb0bo wrote

‘Yeah, this person is the silly guy and I’m not cause I never could be. I READ things on Reddit man. The villian in the new Ant Man looks cRaZzzy am I l right guys? Who REALLY needs a gun anyways? Definitely not police officers…’


mutantfrog25 t1_j9kk66f wrote

Do you really believe someone’s motive to do this is to gain the favor of the players? Lol. You’re wayyyy off


officialtortiseshell t1_j9kkboi wrote

Uh so are you by coming in here with the weirdest interpretation and assumption? The only person who said that was you dude.

You’re following me through threads do you like me?


mutantfrog25 t1_j9kl0fd wrote

“I’ve grown up with athletes. They couldn’t give a shot about you.” Paraphrasing what you said. That’s the reason you’re giving for why you think this is weird. I am saying you’re off base. Maybe college basketball is a passion or hobby, they have the disposable income and inclination to see different colleges/arenas, and wanted to see every team? This isn’t that weird. You’re making it out to be something totally insane, and your tone and weird unrelated comments about guns and ant man or whatever don’t help your case.