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Actaeus86 t1_jasco29 wrote

Given how much crime NFL players commit with next to no punishment, racing shouldn’t affect his draft stock. 2 misdemeanors are nothing in the NFL.


hamrmech t1_jasiwaq wrote

Its not a misdemeanor in my state. Its vehicular manslaughter. I think hes getting a great deal if they just write him tickets. The average person would get locked up for manslaughter for the racing and leaving the scene gets you even more time. Because hes somebody though, hes getting a pass.


GadgetGod1906 t1_jasuzyc wrote

My guess is your state is not Georgia.


hamrmech t1_jasx39u wrote

I think Hes getting off extremely light.


GadgetGod1906 t1_jasxqbs wrote

The way I would respond to this is to you should probably look at what the state statute says and decide if that's the case. You can't apply one states law to another state.

Ge is being charged with a misdemeanor because that's all Georgia State Law willl allow.


qdude124 t1_jb0z2sp wrote

I think he didn’t kill anyone so he obviously shouldn’t get a manslaughter charge. He did not slaughter anyone.


randomly-what t1_jatdagj wrote

It’s vehicular manslaughter to be racing when the other car you are not in wrecks and kills someone?


hamrmech t1_jatfezv wrote

Yes. We got a guy in the car scene here that got seven years for it. Got more time for leaving the scene too. The laws arent the same everywhere, but i think a couple tickets is getting off light.


Actaeus86 t1_jatj8yd wrote

Well he only got charged with 2 misdemeanors. Athletes and celebrities in general always get away with stuff.


DeezNeezuts t1_jatmfp7 wrote

I’m remembering the recent idiot who rammed his corvette into the parked car and let the keys and her dog burn to death.


elk69420 t1_jast1n9 wrote

You have downvotes but you’re not wrong


bimbles_ap t1_jatxl3a wrote

Hes not right either though. Just because it could be manslaughter in his state doesn't mean it is in Georgia.

I don't think a draft eligible athlete would get a pass on something as big as manslaughter. If anything he would be charged, but then charges dropped as part of a plea, much like Dany Heatley.