Submitted by PrincessBananas85 t3_11maxa0 in sports
[deleted] t1_jbgv9vv wrote
So wait like they are still together though?
[deleted] t1_jbiwwzg wrote
[deleted] t1_jbi0fnl wrote
Birdhawk t1_jbi5x70 wrote
Hold up, dating someone for a few years entitles me to take a chunk out of their bank account even though I did nothing to earn them that money? Word.
[deleted] t1_jbi6fr3 wrote
Amber Heard has entered the chat.
[deleted] t1_jbi6jxv wrote
Johnny Depp has left the chat.
damagedone37 t1_jbiqjv9 wrote
Amber Heard had pooped on your bed
Johnny Depp has drank a mega pint
Dunkinmydonuts1 t1_jbjia7d wrote
That's a lot of marijuana
Resafalo t1_jbjsblv wrote
The dog has stepped on a bee.
[deleted] t1_jbjimgg wrote
[deleted] t1_jbi6lzr wrote
BigBirdLaw69420 t1_jbjc7b0 wrote
#Amber Heard has pooped the bed
uristmcderp t1_jbipdqd wrote
It's weird how getting married then divorced makes that true.
Cows_Go_Huh t1_jbjgojf wrote
That’s not what the spirit of the law implies. People getting divorced and someone owing alimony is in place because typically the husband is the breadwinner and grows wealth for the family, while the wife stays at home and raises the kids. Takes care of the house. And puts her working career on hold or never develops one. I assure you she wasn’t slaving over a hot stove with a baby in her arms while the other was tugging at her waiting for tiger to get home. Just being with someone doesn’t mean you won a jack pot.
drdrillaz t1_jbknvu3 wrote
But she did likely give up her career and did help with his kids. They weren’t “just dating”. They lived together for 6 years. She may not be entitled to something but a billionaire should give her something when they split so she can get back on her feet and establish her career again. I’ve lived with my gf for 3 years and there’s zero chance I’d kick her out with nothing. Tiger should look at it as buying peace and silence. A million or two is literally .001 of his net worth. It’s maybe a days worth of interest on his portfolio.
Cows_Go_Huh t1_jbks7on wrote
I’d bet the plethora of Nanny’s would beg to differ. Not to mention the time with their mom. She wasn’t doing much child rearing. Also, she could have worked. She chose not to. She didn’t need to be at one of his many homes or vacation houses or ride around in luxury cars let alone pay for shit. She didn’t want to work, at a time where she could have literally lived her dream out. She expected to be taken care of because she just was with him. She could have been doing literally anything to have her own money and made something of her self rather than expect a hand out. Also, you want him to just give her what he’s earned on his back. Regardless of how small it is to him is absurd. Especially after her wanting out of the NDA she signed so she can…earn money off HIM. Not what she’s worked for. Not what she has contributed. Off Tiger being a massive celebrity.
Is your gf helping you raise a kid? Is she taking care of the house?
PPLifter t1_jbim574 wrote
In the UK, if you live with someone in a house they own then it actually does.
[deleted] t1_jbk3t4l wrote
[deleted] t1_jbiulrn wrote
[deleted] t1_jbix09c wrote
[deleted] t1_jbkebya wrote
drdrillaz t1_jbj4hjk wrote
To be fair, she did help repair his image. It was pretty much in shambles before he started dating her
ZachLagreen t1_jbki9mu wrote
What did she do to help repair his image?
drdrillaz t1_jbkkt1r wrote
Remember this?. They came out as a couple shortly after this. She was seen as a wholesome normal girl. People were praising Tiger for finding someone normal to date. They quickly forgot about the DUI and all his previous transgressions. That being said, $30M is ridiculous. But I’ve lived with my gf for 3 years and even I would give her $20k to get a place to live. If he really just kicked her out with nothing then he deserves all the negative pr
ZachLagreen t1_jbknv5d wrote
So being a wholesome girl and dating someone with a troubled past entitles you to money...? I don't really follow the logic there.
We also have no clue the details of the breakup, so I don't know how you can definitively say what levels of pr he deserves.
Just a bizarre take all around.
Birdhawk t1_jblkvoj wrote
No one gives a fuck about his girlfriend THIS is what we all remember about Tiger after his ex-wife attacked him with a golf club and if there's anything that restored his image after that drama it was this whole moment, returning to form, winning the Masters, and that moment with him, his son, and his mom.
Ho3n3r t1_jbi5y2u wrote
She did sign the NDA, though.
alwaysmyfault t1_jbjnqaa wrote
Tell me you're a gold digger without telling me you're a gold digger.
Gogttr t1_jbidvf7 wrote
🤢 🤢🤢 toxic and entitled..... dangerous combo
ThousandGrams t1_jbjkvfm wrote
Tiger: "She's entitled to deez nutz"
Smtxom t1_jbjpyms wrote
“Got ‘eem”
Sasquatchii t1_jbj6u3b wrote
No, no she’s not. That’s not how life works. She had the good life for 6 years is how you should think about it.
Cows_Go_Huh t1_jbjfp1z wrote
Why the fuck would she be entitled to shit?? You are seriously a brain damaged person if you think people are entitled to shit. I bet you think your entitled to stuff and it’s trash. Fuck you.
jack_spankin t1_jbj24oi wrote
So she’s a prostitute?
PluckPubes t1_jbkl2lj wrote
hey now... women in the sex trade are victims!
jack_spankin t1_jbkly93 wrote
I’ll be a victim for that sort of high dollar hooker $$$.
Gaping_Ass_Wound t1_jbji3ev wrote
sewankambo t1_jbk6yet wrote
About zero something
[deleted] t1_jbi2xnp wrote
[deleted] t1_jbifhu5 wrote
dbsrbso t1_jbkghzc wrote
Do you live in the part of China where they have a breakup fee?
Boshly t1_jbkt7nc wrote
Found he gold digger!
Chrissou_A t1_jbku26l wrote
Tell me you're a gold digger without telling me you're a gold digger
drdrillaz t1_jbklc06 wrote
Downvoted to oblivion for speaking the truth. She may not be legally entitled to anything but she likely gave up her career to be his gf. Tiger is a billionaire. $2M to him is like $20 to a normal person. By all accounts she was nice and treated his kids well. Throw her a bone to keep things civil and out of the news
Metuu t1_jbkmd6w wrote
“She likely” aka you don’t actually know and are just speaking out of your ass… got it.
drdrillaz t1_jbkobk1 wrote
Well in the beginning they talked about her running his restaurant. They haven’t spoke of that in years. She isn’t going to work a restaurant manager job while living with a billionaire. I’m not talking out of my ass. It’s the reality of those in that world
Metuu t1_jbkpe6k wrote
The fact is, you have no fucking idea lol.
EmEmAndEye t1_jbk2w1z wrote
You're being downvoted, A LOT, but you're not entirely wrong. A woman I knew years ago was a fashion model and did incredibly well in the industry. She wasn't quite as famous or rich as Tiger's ex-wife, but close. And the two did resemble each other. Anyway, as she got a little older, this model went out of her way to date only men who were highly wealthy. These were NOT sugar-baby situations. Here's my point: once the men broke up with her, she'd sue them for failing to keep their promises ... whatever those promises were ... and she'd win. None were marriages. I've since learned that this type of thing is rare but it happens. We don't hear about it much because the men want it kept quiet. Wealth and power has perks. It's the wackiest thing to me that this type of lawsuit is even possible. Last I knew, she's still at it.
I've no earthly idea if the NDA woman of the OP is doing anything even remotely like this. I'm only speaking to the one comment made by u/SssAs.
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