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RiseFromUrGrave t1_jcikggr wrote

The Sand Gnats were great. You didn’t have to stand in line for 3 hours only to not get a seat in the grand stand. And there were no players stripping on the dugouts and 1st base coaches dry humping the ground to Miley Cyrus songs. They just played actual baseball.


yodakiin t1_jcimduh wrote

The quality of baseball they play is pretty much the same to almost everyone that isn’t a scout, the bananas just actually try to make it fun when they’re not playing (and when they are but something tells me breakdancing base coaches aren’t gonna appeal to you lol). It’s not like the Gnats saw major league level talent that often. The last major leaguer player I can think of to play for them was Ryan Zimmerman for like two weeks before he was moved up because he was actually good.

Whether it’s your thing or not, it’s making baseball more popular, and that’s good for the sport. I mean, there’s probably been more people that have gone to Grayson Stadium in the last 3 years than the previous 10.


RiseFromUrGrave t1_jcinm1t wrote

They don’t play baseball they play banana ball It’s not even the same sport with the same rules. There are zero stakes. This was a game created by out-of-towners for out-of-towners. And once all the droves of people have seen the dry humping and stilts hitting once and there’s no real baseball to sustain real fans of the game, it will fade like another TikTok fad.


yodakiin t1_jcir0l3 wrote

I meant when they did play baseball. Wasn’t trying to argue banana ball was that same lol.

And on one hand I do understand why you’d be put off if it’s something for out-of-towners (I don’t think it is, seasons tickets are sold out for the next 3 years or something), but it’s not like this is some tourist trap (just be thankful it’s way too far for bachelorette parties pedal those party bikes to from downtown lol)

If what you’re looking for is competitive, no fluff baseball that may or may not be of any to anyone who isn’t a baseball fan, yeah the bananas ain’t it. But I still think it’s good for the sport to try and capture some new fans, even if this is just a fad, or whether they’re able to keep some longevity.


RiseFromUrGrave t1_jciseu6 wrote

I would have been much happier if they would have stayed in the CPL and played Banana Ball. It would have been something for everybody. Granted summer time is way too hot in Sav to be outside doing anything and one of the benefits was that Jesse could control the schedule. Also there were a ton of rain outs and make up games I’m sure he was losing his shirt on. But at least it was up and coming college players getting to play in front of a supportive fan base. And all the visiting teams got to play in a charged up environment. Local families used to house the players for season tickets. But the connection to the community is now gone. It’s all for likes and adds and let’s face it, money.