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Modavo t1_jdxgf0w wrote

That's so stupid. They traded so much draft capital to get Lance.


Riolater t1_jdxjyi0 wrote

Stupid would be playing Lance, who has very clearly been outplayed by purdy.


AgelessBlakeFerguson t1_jdxm0lj wrote

He wears 13 and grilled my Phins when Jimmy G went down. He has my respect. Just needs the old school 3 bar QB facemask to complete the look.


AgelessBlakeFerguson t1_jdxluxr wrote

Josh Rosen wut?


Modavo t1_jdxm049 wrote

Would rather have Rosen than Kyler tbh. Kyler overpaid reliant on legs


AgelessBlakeFerguson t1_jdxmrgm wrote

I agree, but they could still net some of that back in a trade. There has to be a team that would give a first and plus right now for Lance.


Modavo t1_jdxn54v wrote

They could probly get the colts. They have no plan at qb


cocoacowstout t1_jdyw5n0 wrote

But we traded nothing to get Brock Purdy, so it kind of evens out. Trey is still an unknown at this point