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CBus-Eagle t1_irue13c wrote

Enjoy sitting at home for the next 4 years collecting millions of dollars each year…loser.

I dream of getting fired like this.


boardin1 t1_irvefpi wrote

Millions each year? In another thread someone pointed out he’ll be collecting ~$830,000 each month! Fired NFL Head Coach might be the best job in the world.


elpajaroquemamais t1_irvngrz wrote

Now add that up to what he’ll be making each year…


lbigbirdl t1_irwmlns wrote

Yeah, his point is that it's nearly a million a month.

Millions a year? He's practically making a million a month!


Jasbuddy t1_irv4qru wrote

Up to 40 million over the next 3 years for a coach, bruh I’m a hockey fan, most all star players don’t get paid this well…


Viper_ACR t1_irwylne wrote

Yeah but I bet dude wants to have a successful season too.