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isthattrulyneeded t1_irwqvub wrote

Uhhh, so anyone in Canada skating today? Just wanna make sure since they way the board pitched it everything was gonna get shut down when they left.


Hungryphenix_dota t1_irwruey wrote

I heard all the lights turned off and all the ice melted in all of the rinks! Minutes after they resigned! /s


boricimo t1_irwzkoe wrote

And Canadians will become the world’s best swimmers now!


WowWataGreatAudience t1_irxa8so wrote

Soon they’ll all be sorry our rinks thawed


dragosn1989 t1_irx01ce wrote

and everyone observed a moment of silence in honour of THEIR victims. Inflated egos have no room in non-profit organizations!


superworking t1_irywurd wrote

Strangely it sounds like the lights are still operating