Zealousideal-Ad-7357 t1_irysow9 wrote
He already admitted to taking state money for appearances/speaking engagements that he never did- which is already a pretty big admission of wrongdoing… knowing taken or not. He’s resisted the owing of interest on that amount… an amount that if knowingly taken would send any non-millionaire to jail. Unless the texts are fraudulent, it seems pretty obvious that Favre knew what he was doing- aka a millionaire stealing from taxpayers and ultimately from needy Mississippians. In that case, If even $10K of money was misspent, he should rightfully hang in the court of public opinion.
Mobile-Recipe7383 t1_is2zz2f wrote
Even worse when you consider he never intended on making any speeches in the first place. The “speeches” were a retroactive sham on paper that attempted to justify the money that was already set aside for him from the welfare agency. Same way the USM volleyball stadium “lease” was a front used to pay for the construction of the building, which was an obviously unallowable expense of TANF dollars. How can you pay for a lease for a building that’s not even built yet? Unbelievable.
[deleted] t1_is13t79 wrote
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