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t1_ishzbc0 wrote

I hate to burst your bubble but I believe your take is off. I believe the media feeds this and it is not real truth. If the US was as racist as some would believe and try to portray, we would not have elected a black man regardless of his upbringing or genealogy. That’s a good bit of mental gymnastics. Further, the slaves brought to the US were sold to European traders by African tribes. White people didn’t go looking for black people. Africans openly offered there conquered neighborhoods to who ever would take them, a practice that still continues in parts of Africa today. Americans also do not despise black people in general nor specifically those distantly related to former slaves. It is a popular narrative spun up by politicians and the media but is really more of a construct by rich elites ( regardless of race) to keep the poor and middle class at odds. This is not a uniquely American thing it’s just our media enjoys making a spectacle out of whatever bad situation they see fit. This shows apparent even in your situation which sounds to be more about class strife than your race. Act high class in order to be treated high class is basically what your parents were telling you. I would say making statements about white, black and yellow economies IS very racist.


t1_isx4f6k wrote

> Further, the slaves brought to the US were sold to European traders by African tribes. White people didn’t go looking for black people. Africans openly offered there conquered neighborhoods to who ever would take them, a practice that still continues in parts of Africa today.

What the fuck is this supposed to mean? You think white people didn't want slaves or colonies, but they just couldn't say no because black people were giving them away for cheap?


t1_isxippc wrote

That’s not what I said or implied. The narrative seems to be that only white people had slaves and that they actively sought out black slaves. That is wrong. It is also implied that slave was a white business when in fact in wasn’t. The same people taking and selling slaves then are generally the same ones still doing it today. We concern ourselves about the past and no one is doing anything about active slavery happening now.


t1_isy81sh wrote

> That’s not what I said or implied. The narrative seems to be that only white people had slaves and that they actively sought out black slaves. That is wrong. It is also implied that slave was a white

More like non-white, you are right the racism wasn't/isn't limited to black people. Not like they had millions of Anglo-saxon slaves..

> The same people taking and selling slaves then are generally the same ones still doing it today. We concern ourselves about the past and no one is doing anything about active slavery happening now.

Not really relevant who sold them or that some of it still goes on today, when talking about racism elsewhere.

I agree that the idea that racism is targeted more towards slave descendants than just black people in generel seems daft, but the nuances you left out in your response just seems like you are handwaving all racism as class conflict and media spin.


t1_isi2hsm wrote



t1_isjolgq wrote

You may be right about people not being ancestors of slaves but most Americans don't care. Black is black regardless of where they came from. The cab driver from Uganda isn't treated any differently than the cab driver whose great grandparents were slaves. It's all about money and wealth


t1_isjpha6 wrote



t1_isk4vsx wrote

SOME have their own way of speaking. A LOT speak normal English. Your studies are bullshit. People tend to accept people of their economic level or higher regardless of race. Your studies also are crap if you really think white and black Americans would have a more difficult time communicating than a white American and a black African


t1_isk7u73 wrote

