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Greyman-Actual t1_ita84bs wrote

Who cares? We all know the context in which it was said. Ironically, the most “outraged” vets haven’t deployed or TB did more in one or two games than they did an entire year+ deployment with a greater chance of injury. Grow the hell up 😂


ironroad18 t1_itakpca wrote

"Tom Brady makes military analogies, PX employees, base office workers, and supply clerks are in an uproar. Meanwhile, special forces, infantry, tankers, and pilots don't care."


[deleted] t1_itb9ed9 wrote

Bro I was thinking if I got sacked in the NFL I would absolutely die lol but desert life was lucrative. Different folks different strokes and all that.


Greyman-Actual t1_itbb8t5 wrote

I guess lol. It’s just hilarious to me that people are losing their shit over this