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santichrist t1_itys051 wrote

> Rooting for the Lakers or the Dallas Cowboys is like wearing khakis: You hardly stand out in a crowd. Loving the Wizards gives me a defiant sense of individuality. I can commune with fellow fans at a sports bar or game, but when I walk through an airport, even in D.C., I’m often the only guy wearing a Wizards cap. And honestly, I like that.

Yeah I’ve always suspected guys brag about being fans of loser franchises because they use that in lieu of a personality, they like being able to have a “unique” position as sports fans lmao it’s so stupid, I’ll never understand loyally supporting loser teams whose owners and front office are greedy or inept leading to being a bad team, why go to games when buy merch and give them your money? Just to act like you’re an interesting person, seems like you’re a loser twice over

The Knicks and Oakland A’s are the best example of this, James Dolan makes so much money as the Knicks owner and yet that team is routinely trash, it’s not competitive and it’s embarrassing to be a fan, Dolan doesn’t care about making less profits to build a contender, same goes for the A’s, fans talk about how they lose all of their players to bigger teams, but they lose them because the billionaire owner doesn’t pay them to stay, there’s no admiration or respectability in being a fan of that
