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Welshguy78 t1_iuck93c wrote

I'm from the Rhondda and there is next to no chance of Plaid defeating him in the next GE sadly. Its baffling as he genuinely seems to hate Welsh people (see his reaction to Owain Glwyndr day) and has done nothing for the Rhondda. It's one of the safest seats in the House and all he's concerned with is furthering his political position (see his bid to become Speaker). He lucked into a safe seat and is now just going thru the motions, waiting for his 'big break!'


Semper_nemo13 t1_iudc7zu wrote

I mean you did have Plaid in the Senedd for ages, and now have more Welsh Speakers with the redrawn lines. Everyone I have met from the Rhondda loathes him.


Welshguy78 t1_iudoqwt wrote

People seem more willing to vote for Plaid for the Welsh Government elections. But when it comes to General Elections, they always go Labour. Everyone hates him, but people just vote red out of habit. He could damn and flood the entire bloody valley and he'd probably get get a ten thousand majority.