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wakenbake7 t1_iun4guo wrote

For most people on Reddit it was a lifetime ago


Daveyhavok832 t1_iunao9k wrote

I remember Venus being on Sportscenter, it seemed like every morning, but obviously was not. Serena was almost an afterthought back then. Crazy how Serena became the one to dominate the sport for as long as she did.


ImperialSympathizer t1_iupyc5x wrote

I still remember reading about Venus in sports illustrated for kids and they mentioned offhand that she had a younger sister who played and my reaction was yeah whatever bet she's a fuckin BUM lol.

All time take from 7 year old me.


zkareface t1_iunrue0 wrote

Its already a lifetime ago since Serena annouced shes quitting.


tryanewmonicker t1_iuooyyy wrote

And it speaks volumes of their skill and athleticism to be on top of their game for so long. Might make me feel old, but holy shit these two are STILL amazing.