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emelbee923 t1_iusiykl wrote

The unpopular possibility is that it is to sell a minority stake in the team, while Snyder maintains majority control.


of_the_mountain t1_iusj66z wrote

Yeah I was just thinking if he puts the team under control of an LLC or something it would be harder to remove him since it’s not a direct ownership. I’m no corporate lawyer just seems like he could add some distance between himself and the team without straight up selling it


emelbee923 t1_iusjhx2 wrote

The other possibility I saw mentioned was minority stake with a pathway to majority ownership as a means to "go out on his own terms" so to speak. He wouldn't be subject to expulsion by owners' vote, and would be forced to sell the team due to any public pressure.

I'm still skeptical that it is anything of note, such as full sale of the team. That's much too much to hope for as a Washington fan.


idobbq t1_iut87oa wrote

The NFL will still have to approve any new owner or ownership structure. I don’t see anything other than a complete sale with no ownership (directly or indirectly) tied to Snyder.


SophiaofPrussia t1_iutcub2 wrote

He 100% already owns the team through some other entity. There’s no chance he owns it directly and outright. I know Snyder is not the brightest crayon in the box but he’s definitely not that stupid.