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buttonions89 t1_iv8oknl wrote

I’d be embarrassed to be part of this franchise. Once a cheater always a cheater.


sentientgorilla t1_iv8pcjj wrote

Champions. Now and forever.


Raeandray t1_iv8rnhf wrote

Funny, that goes for cheating too.


sentientgorilla t1_iv8s2nw wrote

They proved something today. They proved the haters wrong.


jeebucus t1_iv8whx8 wrote

I would think, since they never got punished, they probably never stopped cheating. I would also think that due to them not being punished, more teams are currently cheating since there is no repercussion. They kinda took the game down a peg.... everyone loses.


Raeandray t1_iv8t8qj wrote

They cheated, that doesn’t go away because later they win without being caught cheating lol. They didn’t prove anything today.


sentientgorilla t1_iv96hzs wrote

Yep. They sure did. Other wise you wouldn’t be here crying about it. Go Astros! Space City!


zet191 t1_iv8rdip wrote

Lol this guys gotta be a Phillies fan.