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MrHollandsOpium t1_ivgem0o wrote

People realize every world cup is corrupt and faces abuses to some degree, right? Same with the olympics? We can’t enjoy sport we have to NOT watch? And we have to announce that in threads about the topic so people know we care? Seems odd to me. I hope Messi or Ronaldo might capitalize and bookend tremendous careers but Brazil—phew. They’re looking GOOD this year.


PuffsMagicDrag t1_ivgin8k wrote

Every World Cup has been corrupt because FIFA is corrupt. HOWEVER the other nations who recently hosted the world cup had existing infrastructure & didn’t have horrific work conditions (especially due to the heat). So it’s wrong to compare them as the exact same. No World Cup in the history of world cups has had a nation build as much as Qatar has, just look how much they’ve spent compared to the previous hosts. It’s insane


BradMarchandsNose t1_ivgmqci wrote

7 of the 8 stadiums hosting games were built in the past 3 years and the 8th one underwent pretty significant renovations after their bid was successful. It’s crazy how much they’ve had to build.


DrJuanZoidberg t1_ivk3oat wrote

There is a difference between the usual money laundering of other events and literal slave labour


MrHollandsOpium t1_ivk4h78 wrote

You know that in Brazil for their World Cup that they literally demolished folks homes and in other locations similar events happened, too? SA had immense protest around wage inequality and the police cracked down hard on certain demographics. Qatar has had slave labor scenarios since before the World Cup. Almost all of those countries in that region experience the growth they do because of it. But now people give a shit and are gonna protest the event? I’m not buyin’ it.


DrJuanZoidberg t1_ivki8zw wrote

Some people have a line they don’t want to cross. That line changes for everyone. Eminent domaine and wage inequality just aren’t as bad as tricking a bunch of South East Asians to work for you and then practically put them into slavery by confiscating their passports and giving them wages so paltry they can’t even afford to go back to their families


CanadianMapleThunder t1_ivgokgt wrote

Yeah but this time is different because the host nation is an Arab one. They’re the bad guys. /s


MrHollandsOpium t1_ivh5y7x wrote

Lol, seems to be that way. Sepp Blatter is a scumbag and ALWAYS has been.


flyover_liberal t1_ivh65s7 wrote

> Yeah but this time is different because the host nation is an Arab one. investigations have fully revealed the depths of corruption FIFA and Qatar engaged in to bring the WC there, and thousands of slaves have died building the venues