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atjones111 t1_ivgv3cl wrote

Everything you said is true but, take a look At the other countries it’s been held in Qatar is not doing as near as many terrible things as places it’s been held


goatonaroof t1_ivgw0wp wrote

examples? (and commas)


JBow87 t1_ivgx07u wrote

Well before this one it was Russia, so there is one.


MozeltovCocktaiI t1_ivgxnik wrote

Russia 2018, Brazil 2014, South Africa 2010, 1978 Argentina, 1934 Italy are the ones that come to mind most readily. All are either mega-corrupt at best and human-rights lax or straight up disappearing people at worst


[deleted] t1_ivgyai7 wrote

good on you for supporting the regime. toe that line brother ✊🫡
