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t1_ivh975i wrote

You’re just further pointing out FIFA’s corruption


t1_ivhaztx wrote

Well yea fifas corrupt but so are/were the countries


t1_ivhcu2g wrote

Sure, but Qatar is taking it to an atrocious level


t1_ivhfz8a wrote

Russia was butchering people in a foreign country as they hosted a World Cup Qatar is honestly the least problem some host, tbh I’m not saying you are but in general I feel like the outrage just stems from islamaphobia again not saying you you are by any means, I just feel like Qatar has done the least troublesome things compared to all previous hosts


t1_ivhgfc7 wrote

True, I’m against migrant workers having their passports stolen and being forced to build billions of dollars worth of stadiums in appalling conditions in a barely inhabitable desert to line the pockets of blood oil tycoons because I hate Muslims, you got me


t1_ivhjfq3 wrote

I literally didn’t say that and I agree with you, im just talking about the overall outrage I literally said I do not think you are part of that group