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t1_ivierrk wrote

I get a little confused by this. The West sells weapons to just about everyone. We helped form and fund some of the worst terrorist organisations…why do people not care about that?

Or I guess if you do care, why is Iran doing it so much worse?


t1_iviqx19 wrote

It’s called being white


t1_ivje9gd wrote

This may surprise you, but most Russians. Fairly white.
Shocking I know.
Maybe, just maybe, race has absolutely nothing to do with it.
A novel thought I know.
In fact seeing as there are more non white Americans (about 115,000,000) than the entire population of Iran (84,000,000) I'm sure it's the white thing.

But perhaps it's not race and political and idealogical differences.
Just perhaps.


t1_ivjlp2s wrote



t1_ivk2aui wrote

America and the west sell weapons to the world.
This fuels the infamous military industrial complex.
The military companies are owned by massive conglomerates like Blackrock and Vanguard.
Who also own the media companies, and have politicians in their pockets on all sides of the political spectrum.

So media outlets repeatedly ignore when western companies or governments sell weapons to the world, but draw attention to other countries doing so.
Mainly due to them being competition to the western arms companies.


t1_ivj52ib wrote

They sell weapons to kill arabs so its okay /s


t1_ivjm284 wrote

But in seriousness it seems to be the general public as a whole are incensed by Russia and anyone who supports Russia fighting a war, but when we where bombing the shit out of countries or overthrowing governments it was a necessary evil. Both are very wrong, just annoys me this moral high ground people take because we are western European


t1_ivlkqrv wrote

Someone tell them that Taliban was created by the US and don't forget the Iraq War and NATO bombings. But yeah that is fine