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98Phoenix98 t1_iw8mh0o wrote

If the batter hits the ball out of the boundary without hitting the ground first, the team gets 6 points. 4 points if it hits the ground before crossing the boundary

If a fielder catches the ball before it hits the ground, the batter is out.

If the ball hits the wickets, the batter is out.

There are two bases, unlike baseball that has 4. If the batter thinks the ball will not make it all the way to the boundary and the fielders might stop it, they can run back and forth between the bases to make 1 point per run. If the other team hits the wicket before they complete their run, the player gets out.

These are off the top of my head.

Now explain american football to me


Dangeresque2015 t1_iw8pn61 wrote

There are two sides offense and defense alternately. Each side fields 11 players. The offense has 4 chances to make 10 yards. if they make it 10 yards, they get another 4 chances to make it 10 yards. If the offense doesn't make it in 3 times, they will punt the ball or try to kick a field goal (kick it through the bright yellow uprights.) But these days a lot of teams will try on 4th. As soon as the ball crosses the orange pylons on the goal line, that's a touchdown, which is worth 6 points. Then the kicker will go for the Point After Try or PAT, for one point. Field.goals.are worth 3. Time is a huge factor. Each team has 3 timeouts per half. These will stop the.clock. I could write an essay about this but those are the basics. Don't get me started on the strange way they call penalties on offense and defense. Just watch a game and you'll see what I mean. Have a good day, this wasn't meant sarcastically. I just didn't understand Cricket