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JimmminyCricket t1_ix8hbdq wrote

Yea evidently the gays banned Muslims from marrying the opposite sex, the whites banned Muslims from practicing Islam or reading the Quran and the furries are forcing everyone to attend furry conventions every Saturday or the furry morality police will pick you up.


44MHz t1_ix8hrai wrote

If you think gays and Muslims aren't persecuted in white countries then you are obviously white and not gay or Muslim.

They are literally being killed. Just a few hours ago a group of Gays were executed in a bar in America.

This is happening right now.


JimmminyCricket t1_ix8idi5 wrote

Duh it’s happening. It’s due to extremists. But guess what? The government doesn’t OUTRIGHT BAN these people from existing. Yes we need to change our culture still (as do the Qataris…) but we are at least a major leap ahead.

And if you truly feel that way, why are you seemingly only standing up against it on one side of things? On the other (Qatar) side you just want to run defense and point to other countries that “do it too.” So is it bad or not????? PERIOD. That’s it. It’s bad. Call it out every time. Big or small.


44MHz t1_ix8jadg wrote

It's not extremists if they are the presidents of those countries.

I'm not standing up for anyone.

I'm just telling you that Russia is far worse than Qatar.