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JimmminyCricket t1_ix8p3r1 wrote

You’re a clown that can’t even debate on an intellectual factual level. Just calling me racist and cursing at me when I don’t bend to your will. You are wrong. I don’t give a fuck how you feel. QATAR is as if not completely worse racist/prejudiced as middle American white conservatives.

Grow up you petulant child. 🤡

“All six said that police forced them to sign pledges indicating that they would “cease immoral activity.”


Ehab1991 t1_ix8qvdd wrote

First of all, I didn't say anything about gay folks intolerance because, news flash, it's a Muslim country, wth did you expect?

Second of all, you can't just impose your western values as the morally correct choice on other nations, it doesn't work like that. That article about guardianship doesn't mean jack shit. They site just two isolated cases and generalize it on the whole country!

Get the fuck outta here.