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bluetriumphantcloud t1_ix8maop wrote

"We were prepared to pay fines that would normally apply to breaches of kit regulations and had a strong commitment to wearing the armband. However, we cannot put our players in the situation where they might be booked or even forced to leave the field of play,"

FIFA being the muscle for an oppressive regime that's terrified of rainbow hearts.


BoringWozniak t1_ix9bmdn wrote

I kinda want to see every player in the tournament sent off and for the whole thing to collapse.


shrouple t1_ixaj0pw wrote

Probably what Qatar wants and then their team wins by default.


RobGrey03 t1_ixbw6w1 wrote

"The two sweetest words in the English language!" - Qatar, probably


j_la t1_ixconh1 wrote

β€œDe fault! De fault! De fault!”