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cujukenmari t1_ixy4mot wrote

Can CTE cause ALS?


Utilityback9 t1_ixyaa8r wrote

It’s one of those ones that the answer is we don’t know. It’s an area that’s still being studied and we just don’t know for certain.


El_Toucan_Sam t1_ixyjs69 wrote

ALS is more likely to happen to people who do excessive cardio like soccer players. Anecdotally, my father became a marathon runner in his 40s. He died of ALS after a few years of that lifestyle


makesomemonsters t1_iy0buvn wrote

The majority of famous sportspeople who have gone on to develop ALS were boxers or played rugby, football (soccer), football (gridiron) or ice hockey. Otherwise known as the sports where you often get smacked in the head. Whether or not academics feel they've studied it enough to reach a conclusion is one thing, but I think I have a good idea what the root cause usually is when somebody develops ALS after playing contact sports for a living.


Dennyisthepisslord t1_iyc7om2 wrote

There's quite a few sportsmen in the UK with it now all relatively young so perhaps theres a link. Could be just bad luck as Its only about 3 or 4 but still seems a lot.