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donkeylipsh t1_iz82re8 wrote

I gave you a quote you braindead gold fish.

Suddenly mr. facts not feelings can't name a single fact. You're complete joke. /r/selfawarewolves come get your boy


slapshots1515 t1_iz85xx2 wrote

You gave me a quote…that had nothing to do with what we were talking about.

Life must really be tough for you.


donkeylipsh t1_iz89537 wrote

Is there a caregiver we should alert for you? I don't think dementia patients are supposed to spend this much time online without supervision


slapshots1515 t1_iz89ek9 wrote

I’m just seeing a guy who would rather spend his whole day and night searching for a quote that doesn’t exist rather than just admit they were wrong. I just see that as a pretty tough life for you, that’s all. Quite sad.


donkeylipsh t1_iz8bdk6 wrote