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ladyem8 OP t1_iz1fbmo wrote

The misconduct included anti-Kosovo chants by Serbia fans, who also targeted Switzerland player Shaqiri (who is ethnic Albanian and has family ties to Kosovo) with verbal abuse.


samstown23 t1_iz4td3w wrote

Wasn't it (also?) Xhaka? Same problem obviously.


ladyem8 OP t1_iz4vjdq wrote

I believe you’re right yes, thanks for adding.


compstomp66 t1_iz4z9tz wrote

It’s always some shit in the balkans.


TheRain911 t1_iz5bt30 wrote

Uhh no its just always serbs starting shit.


compstomp66 t1_iz5ch3z wrote

I butchered a famous quote from Otto von Bismarck in 1890 “If there is ever another war in Europe, it will come out of some damned silly thing in the Balkans.”

To your point though it was the Serbs back then too.


Grease__ t1_iz5jn0b wrote

Says every anti-serb westerner. You don’t know shit.


TheRain911 t1_iz5kp9e wrote

No, says literally any person who disagrees with genocides 🤡🤡


gaybraham-lincoln t1_iz4p554 wrote

Power cube should have just done the Albanian double eagle celebration like last time


okeanos00 t1_iz5kpbr wrote

Oh, they got so mad. It was glorious. And he wasn't the only one from the Swiss team doing it.


gaybraham-lincoln t1_iz5nr3q wrote

Exactly, that’s what I’m saying! Oh you’re going to throw chants about Kosovo around? Suck this double eagle goal celebration fuckers