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WarpedCore t1_j0igy9s wrote

Yes, but what the hell? Why? The world may never know.


steinmas t1_j0ihweh wrote

Perhaps Russia wants a lot more for Fogel and Whelan? Whelan was convicted of espionage, a much more serious crime. Russia is trying to get the US to have Germany release a convicted assassin for Whelan, which is a much more difficult task than trading for someone in US custody.


WarpedCore t1_j0ik66x wrote

The Federal Government gave Viktor "The Merchant of Death" Bout. He's a freaking arms dealer. Some have considered him the Highest profile Russian in US custody. Not any more. Bye Bye.

An arms dealer, convicted of conspiring to kill American citizens for a WNBA player who did not obey the Marijuana Laws of a foreign country that she has frequented in for a number of years playing off season basketball.

I think the law is stupid, but it is Russian law at a time where shit is all messed up in Russia. She has played in Russia for years, and HAD to have known the laws by now. She thought she was bigger than the stupid THC law and she got caught.