Submitted by PhilDesenex t3_zpy92p in sports
Not_A_Meme t1_j0v8wul wrote
Just when you think FIFA can't go lower...they go lower.
Ferris_Wheel_Skippy t1_j0vfqzm wrote
Going to wait here to see how many people read or didn't read this article
underbite420 t1_j0vp3mj wrote
Only two other comments I see fit that bill lol
getofftheirlawn t1_j0vpctm wrote
I tried reading this article. I cannot make any sense of it at all. Please explain what the hell this article is trying to say.
[deleted] t1_j0vrtcq wrote
rdcpro t1_j0vta58 wrote
The way I read it, FIFA is saying the UAF doesn't have a way to remove the current president of the UAF, no matter what his transgressions were, and that holding a special meeting to do so has to be in person, not virtual, despite there being a war on.
So essentially the UAF wants to remove a corrupt executive, but FIFA says no can do. I'll leave the irony of that to the readers imagination.
geordieColt88 t1_j0vtn4z wrote
It seems The gadgy in charge of Ukrainian FA has been dipping his hand into funds supposed to be supporting those affected by the war and has got caught.
FIFA want to suspend them because of it and the Ukrainians are trying to replace him with shevchenko so they don’t get suspended but the original gadgy is saying it’s a Russian plot rather than just stepping down hence causing the problem.
[deleted] t1_j0w4uot wrote
TwoBallsagna t1_j0w50xg wrote
Terrible title. FIFA can’t ban Ukraine from playing not a sport.
Easy-Progress8252 t1_j0wcoea wrote
Sounds like the Ukraine security services are siphoning funds from the football federation? Confusing AF. Feel bad though for these journalists that have to make sense of international football scandals.
Oldtimer_2 t1_j0ww5vm wrote
No shit.....certainly not a clear, easy read.
rdcpro t1_j0x2t16 wrote
I'm not sure what the truth of it is, but there's a lot of money involved.
Jimmy_kong253 t1_j0ye85x wrote
What's that Fifa doesn't want a corrupt executive removed? I'm shocked lol
lotwbarryyd t1_j0yu527 wrote
TLDR: Ukraine football boss misused funds and they want to replace him with a legend , but FIFA is worried that the Russian and Ukraine government may have influence in the football federations “election”. So fifa has the option to suspend them from international football for a bit.
loogie97 t1_j0zwir5 wrote
I THOUGHT that is what the article said, but that seems like it was translated 2-3 times before it made it to English.
[deleted] t1_j27hfn8 wrote
CRoseCrizzle t1_j0v8wtk wrote
Perhaps some Russian checks have cleared in FIFA accounts?