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genkaiX1 t1_j12gzcx wrote

There’s literally nothing wrong with triamcinolone. So funny how people with zero medical knowledge think “steroid” = superhuman. We use triamcinolone paste for shit like canker sores. And this specific type mentioned in the article is used for shit like eczema. Why the fuck is this even a big deal???


VagrancyHD t1_j12r8yb wrote

Nothing wrong with it? If that were the case then it wouldn't be on the banned list.

"Triamcinolone acetonide, when given orally, rectally, intramuscularly or intravenously, is a banned substance in competitive sports, as it reduces weight and increases strength and endurance."


Locke_Zeal t1_j12wyw7 wrote

If that was the case, why did she also lie and provide false documents? Your comment means nothing, and you're wrong about the effects of the medication anyway.


BrainFood2020 t1_j13zcm2 wrote

There is more to the medication than what anyone else in here has said so far.

While corticosteroids can have side effects that would appear to be desirable by a competitive athlete, id be shocked to find an athlete who decides to take a PED is goes with triamcinolone because it’s not an effective anabolic steroid, that’s not what it’s meant for.

Further, it’s used for a million other things before it’s side effects of on muscle strength or increased oxygen exchange due to anti inflammatory properties are even considered. Triamcinolone is an anti inflammatory primarily with minor effects on the same pathways that stimulate muscle growth

To say triamcinolone is a PED is a stretch by a large margin period. Just because it’s in the same general class as a growth hormone doesn’t mean it’s adding significant benefit to the athlete.

Does the athlete know that? Did you know that? Idk enough to make that call, so maybe she took it anyway thinking it would help but that seems unlikely. Maybe she just had some bronchitis, a fungal infection, asthma or any of the other million indications for prescribing triamcinalone.

To me that’s the point, it may be a banned substance by rule, but it’s a common substance in basic healthcare and it’s not something most people even athletes would think twice about before taking at their doctors recommendation for again, one of the million things it gets used for.


my_dogs_a_devil t1_j156uck wrote

Regardless of your opinion on the effectiveness of the drug, it’s on the banned list for a reason. It’s obviously been analyzed and proven to provide enough material benefit to make it to the list. If you’re an athlete at the level where you know you will be tested, you should be thinking twice/verifying ANY substance that your doctor prescribes you. It’s not your doctors responsibility to know what you’re up to in your life and tell you that certain drugs/prescriptions could ban you from competition. And it’s obviously not your job to know every substance on the banned list off by heart and be able to recognize it when a doctor prescribes it. But if you are prescribed something, anything, then it’s your responsibility as an athlete make sure what you’re taking is legal from a competitive standpoint.