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t1_j1jxdo0 wrote

Giant’s fan It’s gotta hurt!


t1_j1k518u wrote

This doesn't change anything for the Giants fans. If anything it makes things better


t1_j1k7u9v wrote

Dude is damaged goods and the Giants kept their bag. Now the Mets have to still try to sign him because their owner was talking big shit about how he was the last piece they needed. Correa and Boras destroyed their own credibility and will have to renegotiate for less money. The Giants pulled a reverse Uno card and don’t have to throw $360 million at a dude who now has failed two physicals. Good riddance.


t1_j1ko9m5 wrote

Eh, this is better for Giants fans. It's really only bad for Boras and Correa, and maybe a little bad for Mets fans. It really makes the teams look pretty reasonable and the player like damaged goods.