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farmer15erf t1_j22djk9 wrote

I mean the coach wasnt over or underthrowing people or passing when rushing for a 1st is wide open.


HungryHungryCamel t1_j240bsh wrote

No but they did lead the league in penalties (coaching), have terrible separation rates (coaching), made repeatedly poor clock management decisions (coaching), had multiple sideline scuffles (coaching), terrible run blocking and scheming (coaching), etc. If everything is on fire, you fire the coach.


westernsociety t1_j24wfoi wrote

I didn't watch alot of Broncos but it was pretty evident from game one, the coach was in over his head. It might be alleviating Russ of some of the blame, but he definitely was an awful coach all year and deserved to be fired.


Pocket-Sandwich t1_j259pb2 wrote

Honestly I think it's fair to take some of the blame off Russell and put it on the coach. It's hard to overstate how important confidence is to how well someone plays, and when a coach can't give their players confidence in the system they're running that affects all aspects of the game.

On the other hand, part of being a professional is dealing with that and a QB also has to give confidence to the offense so Russ definitely deserves at least some flak, but the whole operation was such a shit show it's hard to say anything for sure until we see them next year.


farmer15erf t1_j240x85 wrote

No they just paid the qb too much to move on from him too. Otherwise they would clean house.


jearron t1_j22du2k wrote

loosing is a team effort


farmer15erf t1_j22e3xm wrote

If the offense had scored 19 points each game they would have like 3 or 4 losses


jearron t1_j22ecgu wrote

if. didn’t.


farmer15erf t1_j22f7tb wrote

Right, because of the things i mentioned before where Russ has played like ass.


jearron t1_j22fiyn wrote

he’s not alone in blame in the organization


ZellNorth t1_j231cof wrote

No one is saying he is. He’s a pretty big blame tho.