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Seahawk715 t1_j2yv9mi wrote

This is the most petty and ridiculous thing I’ve seen in a while. I wonder why US soccer lags behind the rest of the world? This entitlement bullshit may enter the chat.


renegaderelish t1_j2zhn39 wrote

You are right to judge this situation harshly but bro this is absolutely on-brand for the international soccer scene.

Check out the drama in the French squad...and they got to the fucking final.


Seahawk715 t1_j2zuxku wrote

No, I agree. 😂 I never said this was unique to the US, but when they’re struggling to gain top tier relevancy this is the LAST thing they need to be dealing with.


LanceAlgoriddim t1_j2z7t7r wrote

Yeah espn putting it front page and declaring breaking news, as if anyone gives AF about this, shows our sports media is a bit problematic too.
