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captain_beefheart14 t1_j3u11l4 wrote

Long list here. A few high profile ones as well. I remember the Antonio Puerta one happening live, I watched that game.


AZraver t1_j3u1pl1 wrote

Yeah, I don’t understand to seem why people try to pin young people dying on something else. Bodies are really sensitive things, but yet really durable at the same time, so random occurrences of people dropping dead young has been happening.

What’s really crazy is fentanyl overdoses have started to effect the life span of people here in America so much that it’s gone done. I know that’s a random thing, but just one of those crazy things to really think about.


captain_beefheart14 t1_j3u2bwv wrote

Exactly, a guy I went to HS dropped dead out of the blue of a heart attack at 29, 3 years before COVID. He wasn’t even overweight.

People sometimes just fucking die without warning, not everything is a conspiracy.