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MelissaMiranti t1_j5b4t93 wrote

I'm so sorry, AC Milan fans.


poppintagss t1_j5b79mx wrote

Why? Is it that bad?


MelissaMiranti t1_j5b8q8x wrote

He alienates players HARD.


ShitPostQuokkaRome OP t1_j5bmpwb wrote



MelissaMiranti t1_j5bmyss wrote

Like he denigrates their abilities and pushes players away from any good relationship with the club in order to try and get a better deal. It's ugly and awful, and part of why some players don't want to play for the Yankees.


ShitPostQuokkaRome OP t1_j5btvxm wrote

Holy shit, and AC Milan is famous for making the players stay out of sheer fondness.


fork_that t1_j5e9eq8 wrote

To be fair, the Americans have a very strict and different sort of salary cap. They need to fight for good deals on players otherwise they‘re screwed for years. EU football is very different. You don’t hear that they need to give away assets to get rid of a player.


ShitPostQuokkaRome OP t1_j5eb943 wrote

You absolutely can if you're not run by an oil patron.

Bayern is well managed, Juventus is being trialed for cheating on that, Barcelona had to give away several of its best players, RM is well managed, Liverpool had to get some very lucky sales to get to their new golden age, Inter had to sell, etc.


ilkei t1_j5eyt2k wrote

Not in baseball which is where he comes from. Only has a soft cap where teams have to pay a penalty of 20%-50% of the value of any payroll over the cap.


BaldDudeFromBrazzers t1_j5b7nzz wrote

AC Milan is fucked. I’ve been pulling for the club since 2002 but after the last year’s scudetto it seems like the club is going down for good


Grand-Assistance-339 t1_j5bbrv2 wrote

Does Serie A have the most parity? Seems like teams win the league and then 2 seasons later finish like 9th or something.

Juventus had a crazy run for awhile but lately seems up and down. Napoli looked terrible recently and they're well ahead in 1st now.


ShitPostQuokkaRome OP t1_j5bmn5l wrote

Back in the 80-early90s yes, Juventus, Inter, Milan, Roma, Napoli, Sampdoria, Hellas Verona, Lazio, all won in that period - then it became less equal, then monopolised, now it's the most equal of the five European leagues.

PL has been the most even after Sir Alex Ferguson period and before Guardiola period. Now City dominates with the occasional hiccup.

Overall, in terms of parity in a long time span I'd put Ligue 1 > PL > Serie A > LaLiga > Bundesliga

Current form Serie A > PL > LaLiga > Ligue 1 >> Bundesliga.

Then there is Brazil, the most equal of them all, now and ever.

If Brazilian economy didn't go down the gutter they could have been one of the poles of football.


DisneyDreams7 t1_j5slecl wrote

In terms of quality and European football Italy is the worst league. Ever since Juventus has fell out of the Champions League, not Italian team has really taken their place


computer_love91 t1_j5bf4gz wrote

From 2011-2012 season up until the 2019-2020 season juventus won 9 straight championships. The last two years juventus have had problems which have let other teams win. Juventus have just been hit with a 15 point reduction this season and they have quite an old team, so the league is now coming into a place where they have more parity.


jamughal1987 t1_j5dg7b4 wrote

Juve built their own stadium so they swimming in cash while other teams play in rented stadium so they have to pay rent.


Grand-Assistance-339 t1_j5dgm1u wrote

San Siro isn't owned by either Inter or AC?


Key_Buffalo7200 t1_j5fpz99 wrote

Slightly pedantic, but AC just means football club. If you want to shorten AC Milan's name just Milan is fine, people will know what you mean


ShitPostQuokkaRome OP t1_j5e2de4 wrote

They're going to build a new stadium, now owned by both

The San Siro has been for a long ass time the stadium of the city of Milan, from back when football wasn't professional still. So they kept continuously the ownership. Bureaucracy, a hellbent city administration, etc but now the situation of San Siro got so bad, and the city ownership of stadiums is so disliked, and the city administration got a bit more open minded, that they approved plans to the building of a stadium in another part of the city. All self financed by AC Milan and Inter, but they'll have the full ownership of the stadium. Will be called cathedral or something, kinda pretty stadium.


ShitPostQuokkaRome OP t1_j5bmzgg wrote

Considering your username one thinks you would like a rough fucking


BaldDudeFromBrazzers t1_j5bpvcv wrote

Even I grew tired. I still enjoy occasional spanking of Juve and throating of Inter, but the age and all that bs that comes with it take a toll on me


jelde t1_j5d09n0 wrote

"For good"... Lost me there. Would be the equivalent of the Yankees, Cardinal, Red Sox, Braves never recovering. They're historically a top club in Europe. If Juventus can come back from their cheating scandals, I don't think anything can destroy a team.


BaldDudeFromBrazzers t1_j5d0z34 wrote

As a fan of AC Milan, I’ve been following news about the club really closely. The management isn’t investing jack shit into the team, Milan is basically not competitive at all at this point. Players are leaving as free agents. We’re not signing anyone legit. So many injured. Losing points every single game. Dude, if AC Milan finishes the season in top 4 it’s going to be a miracle.


r3gam t1_j5epal3 wrote

They're 2nd currently 4 pts ahead of Lazio, Atalanta and Roma in 4th, 5th and 6th (, so only Atalanta and Lazio)

They should comfortably finish top 4


BaldDudeFromBrazzers t1_j5erty3 wrote

Let’s talk in three months. You’ll be surprised how fast AC Milan can lose points


ShitPostQuokkaRome OP t1_j5qt3vf wrote

2 days


BaldDudeFromBrazzers t1_j5qufrm wrote

Yeah well, 4:0, such a fucking disgrace. One would think that the club would hurry to sign some new players to save the season, but… this is AC Milan we’re talking about. In three months, they’re going to be on their knees and saying goodbye to all valuable players over the summer


ShitPostQuokkaRome OP t1_j5anack wrote

Baseball Yankees fans seem to tremendously hate him - asking to someone better informed, could they explain why?

News is also interesting for the continuous development of the contamination/fusion of multiple across-sports teams into unified administrations, that we've so far seen develop last decade.

The source is official, it's Milan's own website


dandystanley t1_j5c8b9s wrote

There is definitely a business side to the game that is an ugly aspect of things. The behind closed doors conversations about money and player evaluation should stay behind closed doors. Randy Levine does not seem to understand this. For some reason the Yankees ownership parades him out there as if he’s a public figure head of the team who has to make the statement that nobody else wants to have to make. That would be understandable if he did it in a way that was palatable. He does not do that. Every time he speaks publicly he comes off as a pompous douche bag that makes me hate my favorite team.

Two recent examples include his comments on defending the team’s high ticket prices for field and club level seats. He essentially said the high ticket prices are a way to ward off a certain clientele. As in “fans who do not look the part shouldn’t be allowed to sit amongst the elites”. That kind of thing. Also, in an arbitration hearing to determine the yearly salary of a pretty beloved pitcher, spent the entire hearing mispronouncing the players name. He was sitting in an arbitration case arguing to lower the salary of a guy whose name he couldn’t even be bothered to remember. Just a smug asshole all around


ethanjf99 t1_j5i7pt2 wrote

I wonder if it’s intentional. Hal parades him around to be the bad cop.


BaldDudeFromBrazzers t1_j5b7tlm wrote

AC Milan fans might as well stop watching soccer. I know I’m done with this shitshow


johnnyss1 t1_j5d63b5 wrote

He worked for nyc (I think in Giuliani’s office?) and was responsible for negotiating with the Yankees for the new stadium. Then he worked for the Yankees immediately afterwards. You can draw conclusions just from that. He seemed to be hanks proxy when George passed and Hal took over. Levine now handles a lot of the player contracts and negotiates on the yanks behalf when arbitration cases occur. And for some odd reason, he gets a vote in major decisions in the front office (along with scouting, analytics, coaches, etc). Hal and cash love him since Levine has no issue taking the bullets and bad press. I can’t stand him.


pac-men t1_j5faizp wrote

You know those friends you eventually have to “break up with” because they’ve gone so far down the conspiracy theory rabbit hole that they don’t even resemble their old self any more? Well for me that person said this about Levine, shortly before our break-up:

“Randy Levine needs to keep his JEW NOSE out of the Yankees operations.”

Not all Yankee fans are anti-semites. But from my one-guy sample size, I’m saying it might factor in to some degree. Shittily.


Macro_Tears t1_j5biwur wrote

It’s crazy how much wealth the rich are amassing. Like, owning ONE sports team meant you were extremely rich.


manored78 t1_j5cnkui wrote

Does he know anything about football or is it all business to him?


howdie_do t1_j5dc4ep wrote

when is it not about business? owners aren't in it for charity, they want to make money


manored78 t1_j5dcbyk wrote

There is business and then there is knowing the business you’re in.


yavimaya22 t1_j5elm7z wrote

Wow what exciting and relevant news


howdie_do t1_j5dbz4c wrote

people hating on randy levine without actually knowing what he does....


FireVanGorder t1_j5ddzwb wrote

Randy Levine is an enormous piece of shit. Everyone to ever come through the organization has only ever had bad things to say about him. He’s responsible for the monument to soulless corporate sellout-ism that is the new Yankee stadium.

Fuck Randy Levine forever and always.


howdie_do t1_j5deg1x wrote

not trying to be "that guy", but do you have any sources? i've always thought of him as a front office guy who didn't actually "do anything"


r3gam t1_j5eplkw wrote

People defending randy levine without actually knowing what he does....Smh